3 Best Magento Product Management Extensions 2024

Template Name Downloads Price
Zemez Featured Products Magento Extension 0 $88
Zemez Ajax Compare Magento Extension 0 $88
Zemez Ajax Wishlist Magento Extension 0 $88

Helpful Magento Product Extensions

Do you have an idea for a site with a lot of goods? 你想卖珠宝、衣服、食品、饮料、汽车还是房地产? We have a solution for you. 支持强大功能和众多内容商品的最佳平台是Magento. 像耐克和福特这样的巨头更喜欢这个平台和插件. Firstly, the platform provides unlimited opportunities for editing, improving functionality, changing the design, and adapting it to any needs. 请特别注意平台是开源的这一事实. 这意味着它不是很容易使用,但能够应付任何困难和任务.


Indeed, the platform is very flexible in functionality. 您可以设置任何对您或用户有帮助的特权. 基于api的系统架构简化了CRM的集成, payment methods, 和SEO设置不损失网站速度的质量. 但是要注意的是,标准的功能对于创建是成熟的, beautiful website will not be enough, so we encourage you to use applications. For example, 客户将无法将商品标记为推荐商品或同时向购物车添加多个商品. Indeed, this can harm your website.


  1. 该平台提供了数百个插件来扩展您的功能. 如果您有正确的应用程序,您可以实现任何期望的结果.
  2. Using plugins makes it easier to use the platform. 您不需要从头开始用代码创建功能.
  3. You will lower the rejection rate. After all, you reduce the time of website use, and the number of mouse clicks; and immediately provide the opportunity to go to the checkout.
  4. You improve your marketing campaign. 你是否遇到过黑色手机比红色手机销量更高的情况? These are all subsidiary goods of the phone. And they have their URL. 根据标准,不可能为每个子项创建单独的url. Then a specific plugin will come to the rescue.


Who Can Use Magento Product Extension

该CMS系统具有开源代码和许多功能,需要专业知识来编辑和启动网站. Formally, it is suitable for any business. 对于那些有很多商品,不想失去网站速度的人来说,这是最好的选择. If you are new to website development but have many items, 准备聘请开发人员来建立平台和产品应用程序. Ideal if you have a digital startup. 这类公司通常不怕面对技术上的困难,有员工自己动手设置. 我们也推荐系统和插件到一个成功的B2B业务与商品目录, huge reach, and a roadmap for the future.


  • Clothes, shoes
  • Jewelry
  • Sale of cars
  • Accessories and bags
  • Electronics and digital products
  • Books
  • Medical equipment
  • Furniture
  • Wholesale

What Magento Plugins Does Templateog体育首页 Include

Our marketplace has the best Magento product extensions. 有了它们,你可以显著地扩展你的网站功能. Let's see more about what you can add.

1) Zemez Ajax Wishlist

This development will install a hanger in your store. You will be able to add as many goods as you need. 最主要的是,您不需要每次都重新启动目录页. 您可以更改标题按钮的样式和颜色. 另外,请注意它与多供应商功能兼容.

2) Zemez Featured Products

有了这个应用程序,你会注意到推荐的项目,并将其显示在主页上. 这将花费客户的时间,并增加销售给你的数量. 可以按成本、位置、名称、品牌、颜色和其他属性对推荐商品进行排序.

3) Zemez Ajax Compare

This plugin allows you to create an item comparison. 所以你添加一些商品到比较页面并检查它们的特性. 您不需要每次都重新启动产品或目录页面.

4) Smart One Step Checkout

您将获得一个已经优化的订单设计页面,并且还可以根据您的需求进行定制. 客户操作奖金,礼品边缘,折扣,优惠券直接在结账. 你没有分散注意力的项目,只有“下订单”按钮. 在卖方仪表板中,您可以查看客户、国家和其他指标. You also use convenient statistics.

How to Install and Use Magento Plugins


  1. Upload the plugin file to your server. You should add the .zip file to a new folder in the home directory. Note that you should use SSH or SFTP.
  2. Extract the value file to the new Extension folder. Once done, you can delete the folder.
  3. Check and copy the application to the code folder. 请确保元素结构符合"vendor/module-name"格式.
  4. Register the extension and check its status. The "setup: upgrade" command registers the application. After that, you update the platform schema and database.
  5. In the final, clean the cache and disable the service mode.

How to Edit Magento Product Extensions Video

您将学习如何管理“og体育库”扩展在这个简短的视频教程. Also, we have tons of helpful tutorials for you. Follow the link and enjoy viewing.

Magento Product Extensions FAQ

How to Get Magento Product Extension from Templateog体育首页?

您需要检查这些插件,并选择最合适的项目. 然后将商品添加到购物车中,输入账单详细信息,并进行支付. After that, you get a .zip file to your account and are welcome to use it.

What Kind of Technical Support Do You Get?


May You Use third-party extensions for the platform?

我们不推荐第三方插件或现成的自定义解决方案. 您应该确保这些项与您使用的平台版本兼容.

What Platform Version is Compatible with Plugins?

Templateog体育首页的所有插件都与Magento 2兼容.